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About this website 

This website is created by radmanplays with some html coding and finding all of the eaglercraft clients etc. most of the clients was found and compiled by royaxvirus.              

About eaglercraft 

Eaglercraft is real Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.8.8 that you can play in any regular web browser. That includes school chromebooks, it works on all chromebooks. It supports both singleplayer (only on 1.5.2) and multiplayer.




How can you help? 

You can help by becoming a contributor in the github page.  

How does this work?

 This website uses eaglercraft, real minecraft ported from java to javascript using teavm 

Whats expected in the future?  

1.9.4 or 1.12 (or both versions)



radmanplays: the creator of this website 

royalxvirus: found most of the clients and compiled the offline version of eaglercraft shaders  

lax1dude: the creator of eaglercraft  

ayunami2000:the current maintainer of eaglercraft

not an easteregg that you probably saw in the code or inspect or with rly rly good eyes